Mixed feelings for Roki, Koffi Olomide song

Music fans were kept waiting for the much hyped collaboration of local star Roki Josphats, Congolese powerhouse Koffi Olomide and Tanzanian prospect Rayvanny the whole week.
Wilson Chipangura, Guest Reporter 

Music fans were kept waiting for the much hyped collaboration of local star Roki Josphats, Congolese powerhouse Koffi Olomide and Tanzanian prospect Rayvanny the whole week. 

The delay in the release of this project meant that some became indignant already as their patience got tested by the Passion Java Records stable who are the facilitators of this project. 

But as time is always the ultimate answer of everything, a song by the name Patati Patata, which means ‘talkative’ or waffling when loosely translated from French, dropped on Wednesday morning. 

Before dust could settle, the song had already divided opinions mainly because of one line – the mentioning of President Emmerson Mnangagwa by Koffi Olomide in one of his lines. 

In a country such as Zimbabwe, one will be foolish to ignore one truth that politics and music does not blend especially when one aligns themselves with the ruling establishment. 

Commenting on the song, activist Rufaro Kaseke dismissed it as a ‘flat bottom’ project which will not stand the test of time. 

“A well meaning friend sent me the new Roki song knowing I’m a Roki fan. Sadly I have just wasted an entire 4 minutes of my inestimable and ever decreasing down- time. 

“While it’s a known fact that many Rhumba songs are entertaining even when the lyrics are as shallow as puddle, this one is the Sea of Azov. Two heavy weight African artists poured into a silted, clichéd, outmoded and moth-eaten duck pond. 

“Besides being in Chapter 11 of creativity and intellectual potency that we expect from Roki, I’m also told it’s a 19th century  mash-up of money over substance, over zealous non creatives and Zanu pf cheerleaders. 

“A flat bottomed song that will most probably fall flat faced in it’s own shallow puddle. One that many like myself will never play again. We hope Roki will bounce back with another Roki like banger soon,” said Kaseke. 

Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono said the “song died before it was even heard” and went on to say the mention of Mnangagwa in the song destroyed the vibe. 

He said the project is meant to hype the underachieving Mnangagwa and make him marketable to the voters ahead of 2023 general elections. 

However, there are many who have defended the project which was produced by talented producers Oskid and Lizer Classics at Passion Java Records saying it was worth the wait especially the well choreographed video. 

“This was worth the wait. Am so happy for Roki. [I] was smiling the whole time I was watching the video,” said one fan, Kundai Makombe. 

In terms of numbers which can be used to settle arguments in this present age, the video of the song has amassed 80 000 views, 10 thousand likes against 980 dislikes in 4 hours and is currently number 7 on YouTube trending for music.

RosGwen24 News
RosGwen24 News
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