Wait for Logarusic dismissal continues

As the Zifa boardroom panic sets in, Zifa president Felton Kamambo has been too sick to convene and chair an executive meeting at which a decision is expected to be made about the fate of Warriors underachieving coach, Zdravko Logarusic, The Page can reveal.
Hope Chizuzu, Sport 

HARARE – As the Zifa boardroom panic sets in, Zifa president Felton Kamambo has been too sick to convene and chair an executive meeting at which a decision is expected to be made about the fate of Warriors underachieving coach, Zdravko Logarusic, The Page can reveal.

An exco insider said, “President Kamambo has been too ill to chair the meeting and that explains the delay to have it. You can note that everyone is unhappy with the way Machana (Phelimon) has been trying to bully everyone and insisted that if the meeting is to be held, it has to be chaired by Kamambo. 

“This is more the reason for the delay otherwise everyone is geared for the crucial meeting at which other issues which are outstanding will be handled. 

“Our football has been in the spotlight for wrong reasons and the executive meeting is expected to clear some of these issues building up, but that meeting has to be chaired by the president, who is Mr Kamambo”. 

Kamambo, has of late not been feeling well, but looked very much improved when he appeared in court at the Rotten Row oval pressure cooker.

He, and four others were in the dock over the USD $740 000 scandal. The issue of Loga has been topical and the jury is already out on the Croat, with just the confirmation from the Zifa executive committee awaiting. 

The Page could not establish if Bryton Malandule will sit in the executive committee session that addresses the Loga issue as he chaired the technical and development committee that made the recommendation to fire the tragicomedy that is Loga, last month. 

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