Roy Kausa, Culture Activist
It was disheartening to listen to a Zambian who visited the museum in England where the Broken Hill Man is kept.
Speaking to the BBC on the night of 9th December 2020 our brother was shocked to find that apart from a small brief description of historical information on Broken Hill Man that was all.
I was equally disappointed, despite the British empire claiming ownership of our ancestor’s remains, it is not even one of their valuable relics.
Just another relic from poor African countries, an ancestor of Black people.
My Zambian brothers and sisters let us join our hands and call the British to give us back the Broken Hill Man.
Every Zambian has a right to ask the British government to give back the Broken Hill Man. He belongs to Zambia.
What happened to the rest of bones?
We need answers and also demand for compensation.
Let us all rise up! One Zambia, One Nation, One Broken Hill Man. For how long are we going to wait.
Time is now!!