Zimbabwe’s Animal Farm: A reflection on power and betrayal

Just as the animals (Animal Farm) overthrew their human oppressors, Zimbabweans boldly fought against colonial rule, seeking freedom and equality.
Daniel Mizu, Opinion

In the realm of political commentary, where words hold the power to unveil hidden truths and expose the complexities of power, George Orwell‘s timeless novel “Animal Farm” stands as a powerful allegory.

It’s tale of a revolution betrayed, where the oppressed become oppressors, resonates deeply within the current political landscape of Zimbabwe.

To delve into this commentary, let us invoke the spirit of Chinua Achebe‘s English prowess, weaving together words that illuminate the parallels.

In Zimbabwe, a nation once ablaze with the fervor of liberation, the echoes of Animal Farm reverberate.

Just as the animals overthrew their human oppressors, Zimbabweans boldly fought against colonial rule, seeking freedom and equality.

The promise of a new dawn, where power would be held by the people, fueled their aspirations.

Yet, as Orwell’s animals discovered, the allure of power can corrupt even the noblest intentions. In the Zimbabwean context, the initial hope and unity that accompanied independence gave way to a different reality.

The ruling elite, akin to the pigs on Animal Farm, embraced the trappings of power, forsaking the very principles they once championed.

In Orwell’s narrative, the pigs gradually assume control, exploiting the other animals and bending the rules to suit their own interests.

Similarly, in Zimbabwe, the ruling class has consolidated power, using it as a tool to further their own agendas.

The principles of democracy and accountability, like the commandments on Animal Farm, have been twisted to serve the few, rather than the many.

The parallels extend further. Just as Napoleon, the chief pig in Animal Farm, employed propaganda and manipulation to maintain his grip on power, Zimbabwe’s political landscape is marred by a carefully crafted narrative that shields the ruling elite from scrutiny.

Media censorship, suppression of dissenting voices, and the weaponization of state institutions serve as the pillars of this oppressive regime.

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa reads the bible while Vice President Constantino Chiwenga looks on during a Pastors for Economic Development Conference which was held at the City Sports Centre in Harare on Thursday 30th March 2023.
FILE: President Emmerson Mnangagwa reads the bible while Vice President Constantino Chiwenga looks on during a Pastors for Economic Development Conference which was held at the City Sports Centre in Harare on Thursday 30th March 2023.
Animal Farm: a perfect metaphor for Zimbabwe situation

Furthermore, Animal Farm exposes the dangers of unchecked ambition. The pigs’ thirst for power led them down a treacherous path, one that mirrors the political maneuverings witnessed in Zimbabwe.

Corruption, nepotism, and embezzlement have become synonymous with the ruling class, while the majority of Zimbabweans struggle to survive amidst economic turmoil and social inequality.

Yet, within the pages of Orwell’s masterpiece, there is a glimmer of hope. The animals’ realization of their subjugation, their collective yearning for a better future, mirrors the resilience of the Zimbabwean people.

Despite the hardships faced, there remains an unwavering spirit of resistance, a belief that change is not only possible but necessary.

In this commentary, I have shed light on the striking parallels between Animal Farm and the current political environment in Zimbabwe. It is a call to action, urging Zimbabweans to reclaim their voices, to dismantle the structures that perpetuate injustice, and to forge a path towards a truly democratic society.

For, as Achebe wrote, “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”

It is time for Zimbabwe’s own historians, armed with the power of words and the courage to speak truth to power, to rewrite the narrative and pave the way for a future where the principles of justice, equality, and accountability prevail.

RosGwen24 News
RosGwen24 News
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