Winky D gives details on who started Zimdancehall

Dancehall king Winky D has opened up on the origins of Zimdancehall in an interview with Trevor Ncube on his weekly show In Conversation with Trevor.
Wilson Chipangura, Guest Reporter

Dancehall king Wallace Chirumiko better known by his trademark name Winky D finally opened up on the origins of Zimdancehall in a wide range interview with Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) founder Trevor Ncube on his weekly show In Conversation with Trevor which is making rave reviews.

Winky D who was asked by Trevor Ncube if he was the one who coined the term Zimdancehall denied credit for that rather pointing to United Kingdom based producer Jussa Dementor.

“Well, I would say maybe I took it from another level and had to take it to a higher level but when we look at dancehall where it started really (Zimdancehall) can be backdated to around early 2000.

“Before that people where doing that, the likes of Yeppy Banton they were doing what it is we are doing today. We have the likes of Mogoman. They did tracks in the 90s but they had no name, a specific name to give it . They were just calling it dancehall as it is called in Jamaica,” said the Winky D.

The man who is also known as the Gafa President among many names that he has coined for himself as a way of convey a particular message through art gave a brief history of how Zimdancehall originated.

“With the new blood now, referring to ourselves at the beginning of the millennium we said to ourselves; actually I got a call from Jussa. We were in 2003 somewhere there and he said this music that we are creating I think we need to give it a name.

Winky D who has become a fan favourite and untouchable artist shed more light on the contribution Jussa made to the genre.

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